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Fig. 6 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 6

From: RETRACTED ARTICLE: Copper-based metal–organic framework impedes triple-negative breast cancer metastasis via local estrogen deprivation and platelets blockade

Fig. 6

In vivo antitumor and antimetastatic evaluation of IGBN in 4T1 tumor-bearing mice. a Schematic illustrating the establishment of 4T1 tumor-bearing mice mode and administration schedule. b Relatively primary tumor growth profiles of 4T1 tumor-bearing mice treated with Saline, CD, PA, CPD and IGBN (n = 5). c The relative weight of tumor tissue on day 14 after treatments (n = 5). d Photographs of tumor tissue on day 14 after treatments (n = 5). e Representative images of H&E (upper panel) and TUNEL (lower panel) staining of tumors sections on day 14 after treatments. Scale bar: 100 μm. f Representative lung photos (upper panel) and H&E-stained lung slices (lower panel) on day 14 after treatments. Metastatic nodules are represented by white circles. Scale bar (upper panel): 2 mm. Scale bar of H&E images in bottom is 200 µm. g Number of lung tumor nodules (n = 5). h The weight of lung in 4T1-bearing mice on day 14 after treatments. Error bars are based on SD (n = 5). Results are presented as means ± s.d. Statistical significance was calculated by Student’s t-test. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001

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