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Fig. 5 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 5

From: The effects of exosomes originating from different cell sources on the differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into schwann cells

Fig. 5

Significant GO terms and pathways for selected target genes. We selected the top 20 GO terms with the most significant enrichment for visualization; if there were less than 20 GO terms, all terms are displayed. (A) GO terms related to neurons, axons, myelin and nerves are listed for NSC vs. Fb; (B) GO terms related to neurons, axons, myelin and the nervous system are listed for RSC vs. Fb; (C) GO terms related to neurons, axons, myelin and nerves are listed for RSC vs. NSC. The red column represents the list of hits for biological processes, the blue column represents the list of hits for cellular components, and the purple column represents the list of hits for molecular function

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