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Table 1 Nanozyme in oral bacterial infections

From: The potential use of nanozymes as an antibacterial agents in oral infection, periodontitis, and peri-implantitis


Oral disease

Antibacterial mechanism and function


Ferumoxytol (Fer)

Tooth decay

Researchers Investigated the use of topical Fer as a nanozyme to prevent dental caries (tooth decay) by killing bacteria and disrupting biofilm

[90, 92, 93]


Severe caries

Researchers presented dextran-coated iron oxide nanoparticles (Dex-NZM) that exhibit potent catalytic (POD-like) activity at acidic pH levels, selectively target biofilms to prevent severe caries, and do so in vivo without affecting adjacent oral tissues



Dental caries

Utilize a nanohybrid system to increase intrinsic H2O2 production and induce pH-dependent ROS generation to effectively target biofilm virulence under pathological (sugar-rich/acidic)


Iron oxide nanozymes or iron sulfide nanozymes

Dental caries

Integrating H2O2-producing bacteria and FeSN could potentially offer a novel approach to eradicating oral biofilms during dental caries therapy
