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Fig. 5 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology

Fig. 5

From: Highly sensitive near-infrared SERS nanoprobes for in vivo imaging using gold-assembled silica nanoparticles with controllable nanogaps

Fig. 5

a Photograph of mouse injected with various concentrations of SiO2@Au@Au500-4-FBT and (b) the injection position. c Raman spectra of SiO2@Au@Au500-4-FBT injected at concentrations from 1000 to 4 μg/mL. d Normalized SERS intensities at 382, 620, and 1075 cm−1 for Raman spectra in c. Raman intensity-concentration curve revealed logarithmic relationship between SiO2@Au@Au500-4-FBT concentration and SERS intensity

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